Sunday, April 25, 2010

live watching episode 19, "miss mystic falls"

is it me or does stefan look much paler?

wow. glad you know...have a trunk full of human blood. and that you apparently like to gaze at it randomly...?

seriously, what is uncle john's agenda?

i like alaric more every time i see him.

yeah, where did the other vampires go?

does bonnie have a new nose? also: hate the bangs.

oh no. new bff dynamic. bonnie and caroline? wtf?

hahaha "you spent the last century and a half being a poster child for prozac." (damon)

a closet blood junkie? is that a thing?

dude, damon, why are you being all crazy self-righteous right now when this is all you've wanted for the past eighteen episodes? (besides katherine).

when exactly does caroline do all these things?

"you obviously don't care about catching vampires, you're here talking to me." (damon) -- good point. WHAT DO YOU CARE ABOUT UNCLE JOHN?!

what mutual interest do john and isobel share? the invention?

"you know who these people are, what they look like." (john) yup. uncle john and original jonathan gilbert are definitely not the same person.

is damon really good at threatening people? or the BEST OF ALL TIME at threatening people?

ooh, very flirtatious with the eyes.

is stefan drunk again?

okay, bonnie. way to be overly awkward. what's up?

STEFAN SAVED YOUR LIFE. and YOU'RE the one who opened the tomb all the way to save him. how can you be all emo hung up on this?

"i'm not going to put you in a situation where you have to choose sides." (bonnie) uh...little late for that. (whore).

do you think alaric ever wakes up and asks himself, "wonder what crazy thing will happen today!"

am i crushing on alaric? maybe a little.

"i don't know what it is, but i don't want him to have it." (damon)

honestly, i can't imagine elena being excited about anything.

uncle john, you missed your opening to tell jeremy something directly related to being a gilbert...on purpose? apparently no one is going to tell jeremy anything ever.

really, damon? is this the right time for this conversation?


elena's hair is rather pretty right now.

i kind of love the jeremy-anna subplot. way better than the matt-caroline subplot.

let's see how much more accusatory we can be! "i know about the blood stefan." (elena) dripping with disdain...

it pains me to see stefan being a dick.

"escorts wait downstairs, stefan." (mrs. lockwood) hahaha, oh, to have such natural authority in one's voice.

who's like, "the sound of breaking glass? i know! i'll open this door!"

tina fell! there are still fells in the world after all! (cross off question 8).

what's with the weird pockets on caroline's dress?

jeremy. ugh. you're completely unreasonable.

uncle john, lurking as always. no wonder he knows so much. (and is still somehow an idiot).

"i've been drinking the human stuff and it's really screwing with my head." (stefan)

stefan stream of consciousness...

"i'm not sad. i'm FREAKING HUNGRY." (stefan) -- well then.

oh no, damon stepping in!

hahaha, love that jenna asks alaric of all people about damon and elena.

can't talk about the dancing. too overwhelmed. wtf.

aw, "i don't do that, i'm the good brother." (stefan) you are, stefan, you are! don't kill this silly whore! (although, at least this silly whore is not caroline after all).

i feel like whoever writes damon's dialogue was subbing for stefan's person this episode, and to ill effect.

stefan can make his eyebrows really fierce.

caroline, you won, now you can be happy and maybe stop being a whore!

ten seconds ago it was light out and now it's the middle of the night.

hahaha, "why aren't you afraid of me?" (stefan) "you told me not to be." (amber)

what? bonnie's just gonna tag along?

"fight through it man" (damon)? really? did you just say that out loud?

i have an idea: let's all stop and stare at bonnie.

oh,'s going to be okay. (maybe). (probably not). (at least not before the season finale). (god i hate my life).

"we just found her and then called damon" (elena)? why? how is that even remotely believable?

shorter bonnie: "i need to be a whore for a little while and i'm not even sorry about it."

great. now uncle john knows about pearl.

"i'm not in the mood. today's been a no good, very bad day." (damon)

i also love pearl's mood swings.

is there anything jonathan gilbert DIDN'T invent? did he invent the internet, too?

it kind of is elena's fault. can we all accept that?


oh no! vervain tranquilizer dart!

no, damon. i'm not sure i want to do this. -- why are we doing this? and what is "this" exactly?

the damon-elena bonding. i am very suspicious.

***unrelated note: thank you, cw, for not showing me nine hundred commercials about you. (only seven hundred).***