Sunday, May 2, 2010

live watching episode 20, "blood brothers"

flashbacks, holla.

okay, both salvatore brothers are still alive. we don't have much time, people. are they going to die, or what?

how is it that katherine is so incapacitated by the vervain? i don't remember damon being nearly such a baby, and frederic woke up from the tranquilizer dart within two minutes. why is katherine still IMMOBILE?

well. that answers the question about death.

stefan really loves damon. weird as that is.

wait, did katherine actually say that she loved stefan, or is that just the vervain talking/confusing the past and present? is it possible that maybe she did? that might explain some things...

don't take that off.

ew, she compelled him to drink her blood? meanwhile, messed up.

so exactly who was the last one to see katherine alive? damon or stefan? we discussed this in episode 9 ("history repeating"), but i'm not totally clear on the answer at this point. (don't worry though. i will investigate this in the coming vampire-less weeks).

how is damon so sure that little knick-knack doesn't work if he doesn't even know what it is?!

jonathan gilbert..."crazy scientist."

don't make that face, damon. don't make that, 'i like you so much' face.

wow. speaking of 'i like you so much,' anna likes jeremy a lot, lot, lot.

"100% stefan diet approved." (damon)

how do they get the animal blood into a plastic bottle? (do i even want to know)?

alaric and damon, possibly the best combination ever:"i'm not going with you, you tried to kill me." (damon) "well, you did kill me." (alaric)

"extra broody." (damon)

uncle. john. seriously. and anna think's she's lurky?

OH SNAP. whatchu gonna say to THAT, uncle john?

"extra broody" was kind of an understatement.

ohgod. so much subtlety in every interaction between damon and elena. it drives me crazy. i get it, writers. i get it.

if there's one thing pearl is not, it's stupid, that's for sure.

"my gilbert charm"? are you joking? uncle john is such a sleezebag. how is pearl still sitting there? get up and walk away, whore!

oh, jeremy. i, too, wonder if jonathan gilbert's journals are how uncle john knows everything, but that can't possibly be it.

hahaha, "i don't want jenna to walk in us." no kidding.

"short-term rentals and hotels are a gray area. you kind of have to play it by ear." (damon)

hahaha, "i know you." awesome. just what we need. someone else damon knows.

what is stefan doing wandering around at night in 1864?

as record keeper for the council, apparently jonathan gilbert did not write down everything, leaving future generations of the council to wallow in their own stupidity and incompetence.

does anyone else find elena's nonchalance unconvincing and borderline annoying?

what? after all that, you're just gonna sit down? that is amazing.

it is so sad if john is your only real friend.

WHAT? henry seemed like such a good person! (even if he was friends with john)!

“let’s not kill anyone tonight. your words. just pointing that out.” (damon)

on the one hand, i really wish damon would have talked to uncle john. just to hear that hilarious exchange. but on the other, it was probably the right thing not to answer. we need to keep this whole killing henry on the DL. if you know what i mean.

okay, obviously the device DOES work, otherwise john wouldn't want it. why is everyone being so stupid?

uncle john. you are a liar AND A HALF. that is obviously false. jonathan gilbert loved pearl and you are a dick.

seriously, stefan? should you really be talking to your father right now? does anyone think this is going to end well?

this explains why no one knows that damon and stefan are vampires, i guess.

guiseppe killed his own sons? what a jerk! (understatement of the year award).

OH NO! oh, no wonder! i never could have imagined it would be this terrible! OHMYGOSH.

p.s. please don’t feed on your dad? Uh…

honestly, i'm not really sure how elena can look at stefan right now. that is horrifying.

dude…dude? seriously? with the bonding? this is hilarious.

alaric. the idea that you could be 'done' with 'all of this' is ludicrous. do you know where you live? do you know who you roll with? you are baring your soul to a vampire.

how many times are pearl and anna going to have this discussion?

"although i think i witnessed the teacher having an existential crisis." (damon)

the rest of the story? DUDE, HE ATE HIS FATHER. WHAT MORE IS THERE?

OHMYGOD. can this get any more ridiculous? “i brought her for you.” (stefan). that’s nice, dear.

this is all so confusing and hurtful... i don’t know how to feel... i'm not sure whether to be touched by how much stefan wants to save his brother, even if saving him means making him a vampire for all eternity...?

stefan is the most emo vampire in the world. anyone who rags on 'twilight' has no idea what goes on with the 'vampire diaries.'

that's the most touching thing i've seen this episode re: anna and jeremy.

damon. you. suck.

i wonder what emily thinks about damon's heart.

elena, where could you possibly be going with this?

this is super intense.

doesn't part of you think he should throw it in the quarry just to teach her a lesson? no? just me?

i think my heart is actually breaking. wtf.

why did pearl save harper?

WHAT? WHAT? WHAT? after that tender moment, we’re just going to KILL PEARL? THIS IS BANANAS.

damon, you better figure out what that thing does because now uncle john knows you have it.

"witches. judgey little things." (damon)

"you feel guilt?" (stefan) "if i wanted to. it's there." (damon)

seriously, damon? that's what this is still about, 146 years later? you hate that katherine turned stefan too? what is the statute of limitations on GETTING OVER IT?

so wait, DID katherine love stefan?

uncle john. i knew it. you suck.

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe that their father killed them. Talk about messed up!

    And I HATE Uncle John Gilbert. That guy has gotta go.
